The new year is busy with duties, such as properly storing and preparing new photogravures. A job requiring careful handling (with gloves), interleaving, making archival folders for shipping/storing and logging inventory. Last, making these available at Creekside in the online store and in the studio. We will be open this Saturday from noon to 4pm during South by Southwest so stop by and see our newest and available prints!
Next, time to make the final decisions for creating the photogravure, Ediz Hook, part of Tina Weitz’s Telescoping Landscapes series. After several variations of color trial proofs, Master Printer Tracy Mayrello and Tina Weitz have hit the mark with this proof print’s turquoise color. The process requires hanging up the proofs for a few weeks, as the decision vascillates back and forth-back and forth. Paper options also have to be chosen - for Ediz Hook, possibly with and without a natural Kozo Chine collé in a varied edition of two.
Most recently, the first 12 photogravures of "Sacred Hoh" varied edition have been completed, signed and are ready for sale.
The ink and paper for the Sacred Hoh EVII photogravure are finalized, with bone black ink and green kitakata Chine collé. The Hoh Forest is so thick you don't see the sky unless you look straight up. Artist Tina Weitz feels the bone black represents the mystery within this dense and sacred place and the hint of green paper calls of the lush vegetation within and the play of light. A must see in person.